Bethlehem Shipyard Museum and Education Foundation
How is our program unique?
- We combine the Bethlehem Museum with our Education Foundation.
- We are privately funded and will stress creativity and innovation without the “red tape” publicly financed organizations are forced to deal with.
- Our plan is to innovate in “partnership with public schools” since that is where we are needed the most.
- We will not cherry-pick the best students for inclusion in our program. Our target student will come from the huge mass of the uninspired and under achieving C and D students.
- Our focus will be on the 3R’s, self-esteem, family support, nutrition, physical activity and the soft skills of conscientiousness, perseverance and sociability.
- We plan a green and environmentally friendly program.
- Our use of the new online education platforms that connect students and teachers.
- We will expand discussion beyond the classroom walls and work on employability skills.
- It is our aim to place students directly into union apprenticeships, business internships and small business start-ups.
